ADS-B OUT & ADS-B IN - Do you still need convincing?

3rd December 2024
Category Broadcast

Australia commissioned the world’s first continent-wide ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) receiver network in 2009, primarily to increase Air Traffic Control surveillance service coverage. Since then, the fitment of approved ADS-B OUT equipment is mandatory for all aircraft operating in Australia under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) as well as aircraft operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) at FL290 and above.

ADS-B OUT Mandate


For air-to-air situational awareness, the benefits of ADS-B OUT are limited without the ADS-B OUT data being received and processed by aircraft fitted with ADS-B IN systems. Whilst many operators are taking up this technology voluntarily and despite the safety benefits of ADS-B being promoted across government agencies such as the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA), ADS-B IN systems are not mandatory. The safety messages however, are clear.

Many readers will be aware of the tragic mid-air collision which occurred between two aircraft operating under IFR near Mangalore Airport in early 2020. As part of the ATSB’s investigation into this accident, a cockpit visibility study was undertaken in part to determine the effect an ADS-B IN system would have had to detect converging traffic. Not surprisingly, the resulting ATSB Safety Message ‘…strongly encourages the fitment of ADS-B transmitting, receiving and display devices as these devices can significantly assist pilots with the identification and avoidance of conflicting traffic. When used in conjunction with an electronic flight bag application, ADS-B IN traffic information can be displayed on a tablet device or a similar display. The continuous positional information that ADS-B IN provides can highlight a developing situation many minutes before it becomes hazardous, a significant improvement in both point-in-time radio traffic advice and see and avoid.

Further to the ATSB’s report, the coronial enquiry into this accident included recommendations that:

…the ATSB, AMSA and CASA continue to work together to promote the voluntary update of ADS-B technology in Australian-registered aircraft….’
‘…CASA conduct a cost-benefit study into the feasibility and potential benefits of requiring the installation of ADS-B IN devices in IFR-certified aircraft.’                              ‘… the Minister for the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure give consideration to expanding the ADS-B rebate program to extend to Australian registered IFR aircraft.’


Aircraft Separation Incident, Mudgee Airport, October 2024

In a more recent incident reviewed by the ATSB, the crew of a Jetstream 32 conducting a practice instrument approach procedure at Mudgee Airport reported an estimated separation of less than 100m horizontally and 200ft vertically from a Piper PA-28. This incident highlights that despite the conduct of mandatory listening and broadcasting on the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) within 10NM of the aerodrome, the risk of conflict with unknown traffic just beyond the 10NM remains high. As a result, ‘The ATSB (also) strongly encourages the fitting and use of equipment such as ADS-B transmitting devices to assist other aircraft and ATC in identifying and tracking your aircraft.’

Approximate flight paths of the Jetstream 32 and Piper PA-28

Source: Flight data overlaid on Google Earth, annotated by the ATSB

Reference: ATSB (2024) Available at: (Accessed 27 November 2024)


Eligible ADS-B IN equipment under the ADS-B rebate program

If you are considering an ADS-B IN device to enhance your air-to-air situational awareness, Capital Aircraft Services is able to guide you through the decision process to select a device most appropriate for your mission.

skyEcho2 ADS-B IN & OUT pingUSB ADS-B receiver

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